Würfeln. Zittern. Gewinnen.
Wurf um Wurf zum Schock-Champion!
Interesting tournaments and rules
How does it work?
Search for tournaments in your area
You can easily search for tournaments taking place near you using the search function. Simply enter the name of your city or your zip code in the search bar and you will be shown venues that you can reach very quickly, perhaps even on foot - provided, of course, that someone is currently planning a tournament in your area.
Register & save the date
You can use the registration function to secure your place in the tournament directly. You can add the date directly to your calendar so that you don't miss it. That way, nothing can stop you from winning first place in the tournament - apart from your luck with the dice, of course.
Play & Enjoy
Once you have found a tournament and registered, you don't have to do anything else. Have fun shooting!
Want to learn more? Read more here
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